Thunder Force is an upcoming superhero comedy film, in which Melissa McCarthy portrays the role of Lydia. Her role is about when the world is terrorized by super-villains, she has developed the process to give superpowers to regular people. superhero inspired thunder force apparel Thunder Force is released by Netflix but the release date is not announced yet. The film also stars Octavia Spencer as Emily Stanton, Pom Klementieff, and Melissa Leo.
Thunder Force is an upcoming superhero comedy film, in which Melissa McCarthy portrays the role of Lydia. Her role is about when the world is terrorized by super-villains, she has developed the process to give superpowers to regular people. superhero inspired thunder force apparel Thunder Force is released by Netflix but the release date is not announced yet. The film also stars Octavia Spencer as Emily Stanton, Pom Klementieff, and Melissa Leo.