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  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - NeckUp CheckUp

    Neck-Up Check-Up The NeckUp CheckUp program is designed to provide clients from the corrections/first-responder/military community with an opportunity to maintain an awareness of their psychological well-being. The purpose is to provide individuals with one or two sessions per year of psychological counselling to be used specifically as a method to check-in and determine their current level of psychological wellness. During these sessions, individuals will be encouraged to discuss personal and/or professional issues and will be provided with self-assessment tools and action plans, which may include information concerning coping strategies, relevant literature, and/or other potential referral resources. As a first responder, you will be engaged in, or witness, incidents involving death or serious injury. In your training, you may have been prepared for seeing traumatic events but you might not have been prepared for how you will feel about them or how to process them. Therefore, it is vital that you protect your mental health. The neck-up check-up provides a baseline measure of your mental health… At some point in your life, you will experience stress and this can manifest itself in one or more of the following ways: Critical incident stress Post-traumatic stress Depression Burnout Compassion fatigue It is important to understand that anxiety disorders (including PTSD), mood disorders, everyday stress, cumulative stress, and burnout all have symptoms in common. Even more critical, you should know that all of these issues are treatable, especially if caught early. This is why routinely checking in with a mental health provider is so important.

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - Safe Guarding

    Safe Guarding A recent online survey of over 5800 Canadian first responders found that public safety personnel are up to four times more likely to have mental health issues, compared to the general population. With this awareness slowly breaking down the long-held stigma against mental health, emergency services are looking for ways to better safe-guard their employees. ​

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - Kathryn Knight, MACP

    Kathryn Knight, MACP, RP Kathryn Knigh t 905-635-7770 kathryn.knight@therapy Kathryn Knight is a Registered Psychotherapist with a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology degree from Yorkville University. She is an EMDR Trained Therapist and a Clinical Supervisor. She is registered with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and she is a member of the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals (OAMHP), the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), and EMDR Canada and holds an affiliate membership with EMDRIA. Kathryn is a Person-Centred therapist who works with first responders in both individual and group therapy and with other adults experiencing trauma, anxiety, depression, and grief. Kathryn strongly encourages preventative mental health care and has a keen interest in promoting positive self-esteem and self-compassion. She provides client-centred treatment to adults 19 years of age and older who are experiencing significant difficulties related to their emotional/ psychological health and well-being. She works with clients to identify personal goals that will be used to promote self-growth and independence. The focus of therapy is on the development of coping strategies and a healthy mind-body connection. Therapeutic modalities include, but are not limited to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Emotion Efficacy Therapy (EET) and Bibliotherapy. ​

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - PTSD for First Responders

    PTSD for First Responders Because our therapists have experience working with first responders, we understand how your needs differ from the general population. You do not need to be worried that we will be shocked or horrified by your stories. We provide a safe place for you to share your experiences. Most first responders who suffer from PTSD cannot identify one single event as the cause of their injury. Because of the nature of your jobs, you are exposed to many potentially traumatic events over the course of your career. You might be afraid to admit you are suffering from PTSD symptoms because you think it makes you weak or a failure. This is a natural reaction, given the environment in which you work, but please know that it is not true. Although there is no formula that will automatically predict who will suffer from PTSD and who will not, your courage and strength of character is not a determining factor.

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - Susan Roney

    Ornella Ornella 905-635-7770 Ornella joined Dr. Laidlaw and Associates in January of 2022. Ornella is part of the administration team and is responsible for assisting in the day-to-day duties in the office. Ornella brings to the team over 30 years of small business ownership and has dealt with clients for many of those years. Her outgoing personality is an asset to our office. ​

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - Susan Roney

    Pam Pam 905-635-7770 Pam joined Dr. Laidlaw & Associates in April 2021 as the Office Admin and has the responsibility for assisting in all the aspects of the day-to-day office administration. Pam brings a wealth of administration and people skills acquired in a decade- plus long career in various employment capacities. She successfully completed her Associate of Science Degree from Lake Superior State University. She takes pride in her work and accomplishes assigned responsibilities in a professional manner within deadlines. She always maintains a mature, gracious, friendly personality. She is very meticulous in her work and is adept in managing her everyday tasks. She is a detail-oriented professional with administrative skills and the ability to manage priorities. ​

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - Trauma Counselling

    Trauma Counselling We offer Individual and Group Counselling... Trauma can be defined as a psychological, emotional, and physiological response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing. Loosely applying this definition, trauma can refer to an upsetting life event such as divorce, being diagnosed with an illness, or losing a loved one. It also encompasses more extreme events such as sexual assault, living through a natural disaster, or surviving a hostage situation. Complex trauma may occur when a person is repeatedly exposed to a series of events which cumulate over a period of time. Examples of complex trauma include child and domestic abuse, military deployments in unsafe locales, and first responders facing disturbing and dangerous situations on a daily basis. Trauma counselling can consist of individual and/or group counselling and uses a variety of therapies including cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive processing therapy, exposure therapy, and EMDR. ​ See More for our Individual Counselling and Group Therapy.

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - Susan Roney

    Alicja Podgorski Alicja Podgorski Alicja is no longer accepting new clients. Alicja holds an Honours MSc Clinical Psychology (cum laude) from Leiden University, a pre-MSc certificate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Groningen, a BA in Psychology from York University, and a Diploma in Social Service Work from Sheridan College. Her clinical training is focused on the etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of trauma in adolescents and adults, including traumatic bereavement. Alicja's approach is heavily routed in the importance of the therapeutic relationship, as well as empowering her clients with knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to fully understand their afflictions and be equal partners with her in the treatment process. This includes a strong understanding of biological and neuropsychological aspects, and how small behavioral changes can aid in some swift treatment outcomes. When working with her clients, Alicja draws on several psychotherapeutic modalities for treatment, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT); third-wave CBT techniques such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness; and Emotion-focused Therapy. She understands that there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to psychotherapy and welcomes her clients to advocate for what they need from the therapeutic environment. In addition to her work at Dr.Laidlaw & Associates, Alicja has recently completed a certificate in Death, Dying, and Bereavement from Wilfred Laurier University, as well as her EMDRIA-approved basic training for Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and volunteers her time as a community counselor at A Better Tent City in Kitchener, ON.

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - PTSD & WSIB

    WSIB WSIB recognizes PTSD as a workplace injury. For more information regarding the WSIB policy, visit their website . If you wish to submit a WSIB claim, we can help you complete the Worker’s Report of Injury/Disease (Form 6) . Dr. Laidlaw can also complete the Form 8 on your behalf.

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - PTSD Testing

    PTSD Testing Diagnosis of PTSD is achieved through a series of written inventories, self-assessments, and clinical interviews. If you think you may be suffering from PTSD, you can download a self-assessment and discuss the results with your family doctor. Only a medical doctor or psychologist can provide a diagnosis. ​

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - Signs of PTSD

    Signs of PTSD PTSD symptoms are grouped into four clusters. You may not exhibit all the symptoms, but you do need to have some symptoms in all categories to be diagnosed with PTSD. Intrusive Memories Unwanted, repeated, and distressing memories of a traumatic event Repeated, disturbing dreams about the traumatic event Flashbacks; suddenly feeling as if you were re-experiencing the traumatic event. Feeling emotionally or physically distressed when something reminds you of a traumatic event Avoidance Avoiding feelings, thoughts, and memories of a traumatic event Avoiding places, people, activities, situations, and/or objects that remind you of a traumatic event Negative Changes in Thoughts and Moods Difficulty remembering significant parts of a traumatic event Strong negative beliefs about yourself or other people; negative changes to your worldview Blaming yourself or others for the traumatic event and its aftermath Experiencing negative emotions such as guilt, fear, horror, anger, and/or shame Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed Feeling detached from other people, including family, friends, and co-workers Difficulty experiencing positive emotions Arousal - Changes in Physical and Emotional Reactions Irritable behaviour, angry outbursts, and/or acting aggressively Risky or self-destructive behaviour such as driving too fast, drinking too much, not wearing safety equipment properly Hypervigilant; always watchful or on guard Easily startled or frightened; feeling jumpy Difficulty concentrating or focusing Difficulty falling and/or staying asleep

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - Perceived Injustice & PTSD

    Perceived Injustice & PTSD The term “perceived injustice” was coined by a researcher who demonstrated that when a person feels they have been treated poorly, it can prolong the symptoms of PTSD, and make it harder it to return to work. The impact of perceived injustice is independent of the severity of the original injury. One of the greatest causes of perceived injustice is “sanctuary trauma”. As an employee, you expect your employer, your co-workers, and workplace policies to be supportive of your injury, not to mention insurance companies, such as WSIB. When this care is not available, or your claim is questioned, these failures of support can add more psychological pain to your existing symptoms. Disability and the Perception of Injustice

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