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  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - Kent Laidlaw

    Kent Laidlaw Kent Laidlaw Certified Trauma Responder Kent Laidlaw is a retired police officer having served 31 years with the Halton Regional Police Service. His last posting was as the District Commander for the City of Burlington, Ontario. After retiring, Kent served as Senior Advisor – Policing and as a consultant for the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services for 8 years and worked in Bosnia with women who were atrocity survivors. Kent currently operates his own company, Canuckcare Wellness Group, which offers a wide range of services to the corporate sector, emergency service responders, and not-for-profit organizations. He offers workshops and training to victim service providers and others in the caregiving professions and specialized research and consulting services for the legal profession. Kent specializes in the areas of death notification, trauma education, debriefings, and wellness issues, Peer Support Team building and has provided training throughout the United States, England, Austria, Albania, and Canada. Kent and Dr. Laidlaw are currently assisting several first responder services in the development of their internal peer support program, including peer selection, assessment, and training.

  • Dr. Laidlaw & Associates - PTSD Treatment

    PTSD Treatment There are many types of treatment for PTSD. You and your healthcare provider (e.g. family doctor, psychologist, etc.) will discuss the best treatment for you. You may have to try a number of treatments before you find one that works for you. A type of counseling called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and medicines are known as SSRIs appear to be the most effective treatments for PTSD. Treatment can help you feel more in control of your emotions and result in fewer symptoms, but you may still have some bad memories.

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