Our Services
Although there is not a guarantee of improvement for every situation, your therapist uses models and techniques that have been researched and proven to be beneficial for most people. Short-term therapy is generally focused on change or stabilization in one or two areas that you define as your goal(s). Longer-term therapy is for people who usually have long-standing or more complicated or severe problems, often stemming from trauma or long-standing difficulties, and who want more extensive therapy to reach their goals of improved mental health. Occasionally, therapy can elicit difficult or distressing emotions. At all times, you have the right not to discuss a topic, or to terminate the session or therapy.
Individual therapy is a process where clients work one-on-one with a therapist to meet their therapeutic goals.
Dr. Laidlaw provides consultation services and specialized psychological assessments for specialty teams/work assignments, internal promotions, pre- and post-deployment needs/services, and for WSIB claims/issues.
Group therapy is a process where a small group of people (generally six to ten individuals) meets on a regular basis with a therapist/facilitator to discuss an issue common to all participants. ​
Pre-employment personnel selection instruments are used to screen applicants and include the assessment of a wide range of skills and abilities.
The Neck-Up Check-Up program is designed to provide clients from the corrections/first-responder/military community with an opportunity to maintain an awareness of their psychological well-being.
We provide defusing/debriefings to various organizations following critical incidents. We are generally available on short notice and have various resources/referrals at our disposal in order to provide follow-up assistance/guidance.
Peer support teams are important contributors to recovery. Peer support is a supportive relationship between people who have a lived experience in common.